Research Presentations
Invited Presentations
Presenter underlined
- T.N. Williams, “Greening the Palette: Designing, Developing, and Applying Dyes with Sustainability in Mind,” NC State, Raleigh, NC, USA, September 2024. Wilson College Graduate Seminar.
- T.N. Williams, “Color is Everywhere,” RTP180:Color, Durham, NC, USA, August 2024. Invited Speaker.
- M. Petri and T.N. Williams. “Enzymatic deglycosylation of weld dyestuff towards sustainable textile dyeing” NC State Office of Undergraduate Research Slam, March 2024. Invited Speaker.
- T.N. Williams, “Exploration of sustainable hair dyes,” American Chemical Society Chicago section meeting, November 2023. Invited Speaker.
- T.N. Williams, Exploration of metal-complexable arylazonaphthol and arylide monoazo dyes as p-phenylenediamine (PPD) alternative hair dyes, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, North Carolina, United States, October 2023. Departmental Seminar.
- K. Walker, K. Otero, and T.N. Williams, “Evaluation of the Colorfastness of Metal-Complexable Monoazo Dyes for Human Hair.” Rice University Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium, Houston, Texas, October 2023.
- T.N. Williams, A. dos Santos, G. Fernanda Groto Militão, N.O. de Farias, G. de Aragão Umbuzeiro, “Toxicological analysis of monoazo dyes explored as potential p-phenylenediamine (PPD) hair dye alternatives” American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, California, United States, August 2023. Invited Speaker.
- T.N. Williams and Riikka Räisänen, “Aiming toward a more sustainable solution for the coloration of textiles using natural dyes,” American Chemical Society Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Long Beach, California, United States, June 2023. Invited Speaker.
- T.N. Williams, “Integrating green chemistry principles for the coloration of textiles (and other materials) in the classroom, at the benchtop, and beyond,” American Chemical Society Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Long Beach, California, United States, June 2023. Invited Speaker.
- T.N. Williams, “Making the world a more sustainable place, one dye molecule at a time,” NC State, Raleigh, NC, USA, April 2023. Faculty Research Corner Speaker.
- T.N. Williams, “Think & Do Strategies for Designing and Developing Environmentally Benign Dyes for the Coloration of Human Hair,” NC State, Raleigh, NC, USA, November 2022. Wilson College Graduate Seminar.
- K. Otero and T.N. Williams. “Rapid In Situ Complexation of Monoazo Dyes in Human Hair Using Environmentally Benign Metal Ions.” NC State Graduate Research Symposium, Raleigh, NC, USA, April 2023.*
- T.N. Williams, “Seeing RED Color and Dyes.” California State University, Stanislaus, November 2022. Departmental Seminar.
- T.N. Williams, “Seeing RED Color and Dyes.” Manhattan College, November 2022. Departmental Seminar.
- T.N. Williams, “Advances in Dyeing Keratin Fibers.” NC State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States, July 2022. Research presentation for BioMedical Textiles Research Group.
- T.N. Williams, “Seeing RED Color and Dyes.” Bowie State University, April 2022. Departmental Seminar.
Other Contributed Presentations
Presenter underlined (poster presentations asterisked)
- M. Petri and T.N. Williams,“Slicing Sugars: Enzymatic Deglycosylation of Weld Dyestuff Toward Sustainable Textile Dyeing,” NC Local Section Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Chapel Hill, NC, USA, November 2024.*
- A. Fields, M.J. Ul Rehman, T.N. Williams, “Development of an Optimized Ink Formulation for Inkjet Printing using Alizarin on Polyester,” NC Local Section Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Chapel Hill, NC, USA, November 2024.*
- A. Fields, M.J. Ul Rehman, T.N. Williams, “Development of an Optimized Ink Formulation for Inkjet Printing using Alizarin on Polyester,” Southeastern Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (SERMACS), Atlanta, GA, USA, October 2024.*
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams,“ Supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing of hydrophobic fibers using the natural dye alizarin,” American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) Textile Discovery Summit, Savannah, GA, USA, October 2024.
- M. Petri and T.N. Williams,“ Slicing Sugars: Enzymatic Deglycosylation of Weld Dyestuff Toward Sustainable Textile Dyeing,” American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) Textile Discovery Summit, Savannah, GA, USA, October 2024.*
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams,“Supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing of hydrophobic fibers using the natural dye alizarin,” Techtextil North America, Raleigh, NC, USA, August 2024.
- E. Odgen, K. Patel, T.N. Williams, “Diazotization of Primary Aromatic Amines Using Alginic Acid,” Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2024.*
- A. Fields, M.J. Ul Rehman, T.N. Williams, “Development of an Optimized Ink Formulation for Inkjet Printing using Alizarin on Polyester,’ Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2024.*
- H. Zafiruddin, S. El-Shafei, M. Schmidt, T.N. Willams, “Transforming Carminic Acid for Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Dyeing Application to Summer 2024 Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium Abstract Submission,” Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2024.*
- T.N. Williams, G.A. Umbuzeiro, R. Räisänen, H.S. Freeman, “Derivatization of Natural Dye Emodin for Utility for Fiber Coloration,” BioColours conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2024.
- M. Schmidt, R. Räisänen, T.N. Williams, “Application of anthraquinone dyes from Madder (Rubia tinctorum L) to hydrophobic fibers using scCO2 versus water: a comparative study,” BioColours conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2024.
- M.J. Ul Rehman, T.N. Williams, “Digital printing of textiles using biobased dyes,” BioColours conference, Helsinki, Finland, June 2024.*
- M. Schmidt, T.N. Williams, “Supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing of polyester using natural dyes from madder.” FEDTEX, Raleigh, NC, USA, May 2024.*
- M. Petri and T.N. Williams, “Slicing Sugars: Enzymatic Deglycosylation of Weld Dyestuff to Enhance Textile Dyeing Sustainability,” Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 2024.*
- R. Falkowski, M. Schmidt, T.N. Williams, “Modifying Carminic Acid to Enhance its Hydrophobicity for Waterless Textile Dyeing,” Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, April 2024.*
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams. “Supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing of hydrophobic fibers using the natural dye alizarin,” Wilson College of Textiles Research Open House, Raleigh, NC, March 2024.
- K. Patel and T.N. Williams. “Synthesis of Indole derivatives: Conventional methods and Greener Alternatives,” Wilson College of Textiles Research Open House, Raleigh, NC, March 2024.*
- M.J. Ul Rehman, L. Chapman, and T.N. Williams. “Digital printing of textiles using biobased dyes,” Wilson College of Textiles Research Open House, Raleigh, NC, March 2024.*
- J. Stutts, M. Schmidt, and T.N. Williams, “Colorfastness Properties of Alizarin-dyed Fabrics using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide or Water.” Clemson Honor’s College Networking Event, Clemson, South Carolina, October 2023.*
- T.N. Williams, K. Otero, F.I. Vacchi, A. dos Santos, G. Fernanda Groto Militão, N.O. de Farias, G. de Aragão Umbuzeiro, “Sustainable coloration of textile and human hair substrates using metal complexable azo dye ligands of diverse chemistries,” 50th Annual National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States September 2023.
- C. Salcedo-Chavez and T.N. Williams, “Extraction and characterization methods for colorants derived from algae, sustainable sources of color,” 50th Annual National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States September 2023.*
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams, “Supercritical carbon dioxide dyeing of polyester using natural dyes from the Madder plant,” 50th Annual National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States September 2023.*
- M. Petri, S. El-Shafei, and T.N. Williams, “Breaking Bonds: Towards Enzymatic Deglycosylation of Weld Dyestuff for Sustainable Textile Dyeing,” Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2023.*
- K. Walker, K. Otero, and T.N. Williams, “Evaluation of the Colorfastness of Metal-Complexable Monoazo Dyes for Human Hair.” Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2023.*
- J. Stutts, M. Schmidt, and T.N. Williams, “Colorfastness Properties of Alizarin-dyed Fabrics using Supercritical Carbon Dioxide or Water.” Undergraduate Creativity & Research Symposium, Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2023.*
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams, “Ecofriendly dyeing on nylon and polyester using the natural dye alizarin and supercritical carbon dioxide,” American Chemical Society Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference, Long Beach, California, United States, June 2023.*
- T.N. Williams and Riikka Räisänen. “Towards a More Sustainable Future using Bio-Based Dyes for the Coloration of Textiles, International Textile Machinery Association, Textile Colourists and Chemicals forum, June 2023, Milan, Lombardy, Italy.
- C. Salcedo-Chavez and T.N. Williams, “Exploring algal-based colorants as sustainable sources of color: extraction and characterization methods.” Wilson College Textiles Research Open House, Raleigh, NC, USA, April 2023.
- K. Otero and T.N. Williams, “Rapid In Situ Complexation of Monoazo Dyes in Human Hair Using Environmentally Benign Metal Ions.” Wilson College of Textiles Research Open House, Raleigh, NC, USA, April 2023.
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams, “Green dyeing of polyester fabrics using supercritical carbon dioxide and the natural dye alizarin.” Wilson College Textiles of Research Open House, Raleigh, NC, USA, April 2023.
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams, “Green dyeing of polyester fabrics using supercritical carbon dioxide and the natural dye alizarin.” Wilson College Graduate Seminar, Raleigh, NC, USA, March 2023.
- K. Otero and T.N. Williams, “Rapid In Situ Complexation of Monoazo Dyes in Human Hair Using Environmentally Benign Metal Ions.” Wilson College Graduate Seminar, Raleigh, NC, USA, March 2023.
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams, “Structural modification and bioproduction of natural dyes for their viability in waterless dyeing applications.” NC Local Section Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Durham, NC, USA, November 2022.
- K. Otero and T.N. Williams, “Exploring Metal Complexable Monoazo Dyes as Sustainable Colorants for Human Hair and Textiles.” NC Local Section Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Durham, NC, USA, November 2022. AWARD: 3rd Place (3rd Place in Undergraduate/Master Student Category).
- S. Lucas, O. Hartung, and T.N. Williams, “Metal-complexable monoazo dyes containing sulfonamide auxochromes: synthesis, analysis, and application.” NC Local Section Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS), Durham, NC, USA, November 2022.
- M. Schmidt and T.N. Williams, “Structural modification and bioproduction of natural dyes for their viability in waterless dyeing applications.” Wilson College Graduate Seminar, Raleigh, NC, USA, October 2022.
- K. Otero and T.N. Williams, “Exploring Metal Complexable Monoazo Dyes As Sustainable Colorants For Human Hair and Textiles.” Wilson College Graduate Seminar, Raleigh, NC, USA, October 2022.
- T.N. Williams, F.I. Vacchi, A. dos Santos, M. Szymczyk, and G. de Aragão Umbuzeiro, “Toxicological and color properties of phenylazonaphthol dyes of varying alkyl chain length.” 49th Annual National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) Conference, Orlando, FL, September 2022. AWARD: Top-30 out of 100 abstracts.
- T.N. Williams, F.I. Vacchi, A. dos Santos, M. Szymczyk, and G. de Aragão Umbuzeiro, “In situ chelation of monoazo dyes containing sulfonamide auxochromes: color and toxicological properties.” 49th Annual National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) Conference, Orlando, FL, September 2022.
- S. Lucas, O. Hartung, and T.N. Williams, “Metal-complexable monoazo dyes containing sulfonamide auxochromes: synthesis, analysis, and application.” Chancellor’s Invited Presentation, Raleigh, NC, USA, September 2022.
- T.N. Williams, F.I. Vacchi, A. dos Santos, M. Szymczyk, G. de Aragão Umbuzeiro, and H.S. Freeman, “Toxicological analysis of monoazo dyes for sustainable human hair coloration.” American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, August 2022.
- S. Lucas, O. Hartung, and T.N. Williams, “Metal-complexable monoazo dyes containing sulfonamide auxochromes: synthesis, analysis, and application.” Wilson College TECS REU poster session, Raleigh, NC, USA, July 2022.
- S. Lucas, O. Hartung, and T.N. Williams, “Metal-complexable monoazo dyes containing sulfonamide auxochromes: synthesis, analysis, and application.” NC State Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium, Raleigh, NC, USA, July 2022.